Aromatic Chamomile Water
Chamomile Water
500 ml Glass Bottle
Natural Floral Water
Health Drink
Chamomile is a grassy, annual with very specific nice odor, with a height of 20 –50 cm, it’s flowered opened between the May and July and it has leathered leaves divide into small threadlike parts and its internal flowers are tubular with yellow color while the peripheral flowers are 12-20 parts as tongue shape with a white color.
The stigma of flower has a pungent taste, tannin and glucose substances.
Chamomile have a medicinal properties as analgesic, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-spasmodic and also have anti-bacterial activity, and have the ability to prevent the growth of axillary bacteria and as a remover of the bad sweating odors which is a known property in the traditional medicine.
Aromatic Chamomile Water of the Aksuvital is produced under completely hygienic and healthy conditions. It is extracted from the chamomile flowers by the way of steam distillation and packaged to a clean bottle in our company.
How to use:
For the adults, the Aksuvital chamomile aromatic water can be taken directly, otherwise can be diluted with 1/2 or 1/3 of water glass by adding water or juice of fruits , or could be sweetened by honey and taken three times daily before or after meals.
Benefits of Chamomile :
1- It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antihistamine and have antioxidant effect.
2- For tooth pain, mouth, mucosal infections of the trachea and for tonsillitis can be used as gargle which have not to swallow.*,**,***
3- Because of its analgesic and sedative effects can be used for neurological disturbances.
4- For asthma, pharyngitis and trachea can be used as softener of the mucosal secretions.
5- It has a facilitative effect on digestive system and dyspepsia complaints.*,**
6- It is used as antispasmodic and analgesic for menstrual cramps.
7- It is a remover of stomach pains and have antispasmodic effect and a softener for headaches.
8- When the hair washed with chamomile aromatic water will be healthier, shiner and when exposured to sun light for a wile, the hair will be brighter.
9- It gives the face and the skin more freshness and keeping healthy by renewing the cells.
10- It is used as compress for the wounds, burns, infections, dermatitis, skin fissures and sun burns.*,**,***
11- It is used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects by adding it in the bath water and repeatedly sitting in it for a while will be better & healthier. *,**,***
12- It has a healing effect in cases of sinusitis and common cold.*,**,***
13- It has a nice effect in case of sleep disturbances, especially for the kids.
Chamomile flower constituents:
Chamazulene, alpha-bisabolol, farnesene, matricin, bisabolol oxidize, apigenine, flavonoids, glycosides, coumarines, herniarin, umbellifrone and polysaccharides.
-Don not use it if you take anti clotting drugs.
-Don not use it within the first three month of pregnancy.
-There is no known side effect for any of the components.
Important note: Our products are not drugs but they are dietary complements.
Other Waters: Thyme Water, Aniseed Water , Lavender Water , Olive Leaf Water , Marjoram Water , Sage Water , Peppemint Water, Rosemary Water , Rose Water , Chamomile Water , Stinging Nettle Water , Jasmine Flower Water , Cinnamon Water , Clove Water , Eucalyptus Water
Package : 500 ml x 12 Glass Bottle