Aksu Vital Natural Products and Cosmetics

Collagen Shots


Health Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It’s in your bones, muscles, and blood, comprising three quarters of your skin and a third of the protein in your body.

As you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it gets harder for your body to produce more. As a result, many people turn to collagen supplements. These supplements are usually powders, though there are also capsules and liquid supplements available.

Collagen is also produced naturally in the body by combining amino acids, the building blocks of proteins found in food. To produce collagen, your body needs:

* Proline: found in egg whites, dairy, cabbage, mushrooms, and asparagus
* Glycine: found in pork skin, chicken skin, and gelatin, and a variety of other protein-rich foods
* Vitamin C: found in citrus fruits and bell peppers
* Zinc: found in beef, lamb, pork, shellfish, chickpeas, lentils, beans, milk, cheese, and various nuts and seeds
* Copper: found in organ meats, cocoa powder, cashews, sesame seeds, and lentils

Product Code:   M02754

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