EZN Lavender Oil 20 ml
Lavender Essential Oil
Usage: It is recommended to use by inhalation or adding in seeds (fixed) oils by massage on the skin.
Lavender oil is obtained from flower of lavender vegetable which is known as Lavandula Agustifolia in Latin. Its composition consists of 35-55 % linalil acetate, bromil acetate, terpineol, borneol, nerol, valerian acide.
It grows in Southern Europe, Australia and England. Lavender is used as air-freshener thanks to its fine smell as well. It has a significant effect on nervous system.
It holds spasms in muscles. It is efficient in insomnia, migraine, respiratory diseases, hypertension, expectorating, stomach diseases and it increases bile secretory and facilitates digestion. It is used in muscle relaxation and stimulation which is stimulant to nerve endings in Aromatherapy.
It is used for acne, hair loss, burn, cases called telenjiektazi in which vessels come outward, dermatitis, eczema, dry skins, herpes, matured oily skin, sunburn in the field of cosmetics.
Package : 20 ml glass bottle
Carton : 12 bottles