EZN Marigold Oil Calendula 20 ml
Marigold Calendula Oil
Usage: It is advised to be used externally as an effective moisturizing at skin care by adding into fixed oils.
It contributes to repairing irritated skins and protecting the skin against the sun shine. It is not used internally.
Calendula oil is obtained through the method of distillation.
Calendula flower is a one year old or occasionally two years old herbaceous plant species.
It much more enjoys the sunny and lightly shady environments.
Because the strong odor of calendula causes the insects to escape, it is planted in vegetable gardens.
It is however a garden flower can also be planted and grown in pot.
This flower has almost ten different kinds.
The calendula kind among these with the name of Calendula Officinalis has already been used in folk medicine once upon a time.
Its flowers are collected between the period beginning with June and ending in November.
Its volatile oil is obtained through the method of distillation and used mostly in cosmetics industry for the products such as cream, lotion and shampoo.
When we look at the usage of calendula flower among the public we see that skin problems take the first place.
Especially when it is used for the intractable wounds, burns and bedsores, which are obstinate against treatment, it may be useful in order to shorten the recuperation period.
Because it is a good moisturizing factor, it may be preferred at eczema, nipple chaps and applied on the itchy skins.
It has the characteristics of balancing and strengthening the sensitive skins.
Because of the softening and relaxing affects of Calendula oil, it may also be preferred as the ingredient of massage oil mixtures.
Package : 20 ml glass bottle
Carton : 12 bottles