Aksu Vital Natural Products and Cosmetics

Ferula Femin 30 Sachets


L-Carnitine 341.2mg
Myoinositol 1000mg
Royal Jelly 500mg
*Ferula elaeochytris Korovin extract 500 mg
Vitamin C 100mg
CoenzymeQ10 50mg
Zinc 15mg
Resveratrol 50mg
Vitamin E 12mg
Vitamin B6 10mg
Folic acid 400mcg
Selenium 100mcg
Vitamin B12 10 mcg
Vitamin D3 10 mcg

Ferula elaeochytris Korovin, phytoestrogenic
Its active ingredients are isoflavones and ferutinin. It
substances, Progesterone, testosterone and
reproductive hormones such as estrogens
affects. Effects of phytoestrogens on 17β estradiol in terms of function and structure.
estrogen due to their similarity
by their easy binding to their receptors.
Ferutin; Agonist for ERα in the presence of estrogen,
For ERβ, in the presence or absence of estrogen
showed agonist/antagonist activity.

? Egg poor quality
? No or late ovulation
? Hormonal irregularity
? Unexplained infertility
? Lack of progesterone hormone
? Thinness of the endometrial layer
? Vitamin and mineral deficiency due to malnutrition

? Ferula Femin is Fast, Effective, Reliable.
? One sachet of Ferula Femin per day is recommended.
? Daily therapeutically equivalent.
? There are no undesirable side effects.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Ferula Femin, expectant mothers who want to have a baby
Increases egg quality and fertilization success.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., the quality of eggs in expectant mothers who want to have a baby
improvement is possible with Ferula Femin.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Insemination success in expectant mothers who want to have a baby.
It is possible to increase your growth with Ferula Femin.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Ferula Femin, expectant mothers who want to have a baby
helps ovulation occur.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Ferula Femin, expectant mothers who want to have a baby
Helps regulate hormone balance.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Ferula Femin, expectant mothers who want to have a baby
Helps egg quality and development.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Ferula Femin, expectant mothers who want to have a baby are naturally
and supports egg quality and development with its rich components.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Healthy eggs for expectant mothers who want to have a baby
there is a need, you meet this need with Ferula Femin.
? Mr. Dr., Ms. Dr., Ferula Femin with lemon flavor is a daily sachet usage
easily adapts.
? Ferula Femin is a natural and rich product for expectant mothers who want to have a baby.
It provides important support to increase egg quality and fertilization success with its components.
? Thanks to Ferutinin, one of the phytoestrogenic substances in Ferula Femin.
It is a strong support for infertility treatment.
? Ferula Femin helps to balance the hormone balance in expectant mothers who want to have a baby.
helps to organize

• How is the mechanism of action of Ferula Femin?
? Phytoestrogens, estrogenic or antiestrogenic
are substances. Effects of phytoestrogens, function and structure to estrogen
They are easily accessible to estrogen receptors due to their similarity in terms of
through their attachment.
? Ferutinin agonist against two estrogen receptors (ERα and ERβ)
/antagonist, against estrogen by binding affinity test
evaluated. Ferutinin is an agonist for ERα and an agonist for ERβ /
showed antagonistic activity.

Product Code:   M03073 

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