SHF Ginseng Capsule
Korean Red Ginseng Root
Tablet & Capsule & Extract
Nutritional Food Supplement
Maximum Strength Supplement
It is known for a long time that Ginseng helps in increasing the efficiency of men, testosterone and sperm quantity and sexual power.
It is reported to have a positive effect on circulation system, regulates blood pressure, stabilizes high blood pressure, and strengthens the mental activity by increasing the blood flow to the brain.
In addition, Ginseng has a positive effect on concentration and memory problems by influencing the central nervous system positively.
Ginseng helps the body to gain resistance against stress and increases mental endurance.
Suggested Use: For adults, recommended to take 3 times daily by 1 tablet each time before or after meals.
CAUTION: It is not recommended for people who are using blood-thinning medicines, anti-depressants, heart medicines and insulin.
Package : 500 mg x 120 tablet= 60ge TABLET
Carton : 6 bottles
Package : 850 mg x 60 capsules =51 g e CAPSULE
Carton : 6 bottles
Package : 100 ml glass bottle x 6 LIQUID EXTRACT
Carton : 6 bottles